
MOLINOS AGRO S.A.                                                                                                             

Location: KM 441,8 of the Parana River 
Storage Capacity: Grains / by-products   220,000 Mtons.Cargoes loaded: At the present loading:
By-products Vegetable Oils: Biodiesel: 180,000 Mtons. 50,000 Mtons. 10,000 Mtons.Soya hull pellets, Soya bean meal, rsboil, csboil, sfsoil and biodiesel
Loading Rates Per gang:Per HourPer ShiftLoading rates per hosePer HourPer Shift
Grains / by-products600 Mtons.3600 MtonsVegetable Oils: Biodiesel:500 Mtons. 500 Mtons.3000 Mtons. 3000 Mtons.
Discharge rates per cranePer HourPer ShiftDischarge rates per hose.Per HourPer Shift
N/A  N/A  
Usual Gangs to be appointment:   Two     

Loading Arms:                                                                              Lines/Hoses to load:

Two telescopic schuters terminal usually appoint two gangs to                        This berth has two cargo line with 8-inch and 6-inch connection. Work in Simultaneous

Depth alongside:Air Draft:Dolphins and frontage:
Abt 37 Feet.21,8 Metres.The berth offers a berthing frontage of 150 mts afforded by four dolphins together with two outlying
  Dolphing Two for bow and stern mooring.

Draft Restriction:

No draft restriction at berth. Maximum draft allowed for the Parana River is reported by Coast Guard on a daily basis between 0800/1000 hrs-

Tide Restrictions N/AWater Density 0,998Bottom MudProvision procedures Allowed. Only by boatTug use Not required
Loa Restrictions: 245 MtsFresh water availability: Yes Light dues apply: YES 
Beam Restrictions: 45 MtsGarbage discharge: Allowed. Only by boat Port dues apply: YES 
Slop Discharge: Not allowedBunker availability: Not allowed Waterway dues apply: N/A    Berth Picture

Working time:

The usual working time is from Monday to Friday from 0600 hs to 1800 hs and on Saturday from 0600 hs to 1200 hs. The remaining times are considered as overtime

Observations:Tug useHeadclerk apply:
* Cape size vessels load here.Not requiredYes

* This Terminal has its own crushing plant to produce vegetable oils.

OPIP Address:Official figures to be applied:
Name:Mr. Fernando Pittondo / Edgardo RiosBenieli 398 – San Lorenzo – Santa FeShore Scale
Phone Nr:54-3476-438513  
Email /