
ARAUCO ARGENTINA S.A.                                                                                                    


KM 455,5 of the Parana river

Storage Capacity:                                                                    Cargoes loaded:

Chemicals                                           10,000 Mtons                  At the present loading: Chemicals, Vegetable Oils,

Loading Rates Per gang:       Per Hour N/APer Shift                          Loading rates per hose Chemicals: Vegetable Oil: Biodiesel:Per Hour                      Per Shift 250 Mtons                    1500 Mtons 550 Mtons                    3300 Mtons 550 Mtons                    3300 Mtons
Discharge rates per grab      Per HourPer Shift                          Discharge rates per hose.Per Hour                      Per Shift
N/AChemicals:250 Mtons                    1500 Mtons
Usual Gangs to be appointment:     
Loading Arms:Usual Gangs to be appointment:  Lines/Hoses to load:
N/AN/Athe berth has two cargo lines with 6 inch and 6 inch connection
  for Chemicals  and 8 inch to load Veg. Oil from Terminal 6 and a 10 inch line cargo line to load cargo from quebracho terminal.
Depth alongside:Air Draft:Dolphins and frontage:
Abt. 37 FeetN/AThe berth offers a berthing frontage of 55 mts afforded by two reinforced concreted dolphins designed
  for operations with tanker vessels. An outlying mooring tower upstream and mooring buoy downstream
Draft Restriction: allows mooring of vessels.

No draft restriction at berth. Maximum draft allowed for the Parana River is reported by Coast Guard on a daily basis between 0800/1000 hrs-

Tide RestrictionsWater DensityBottomProvision procedures                         Tug use 
N/A0,998MudAllowed by Shore ( Authorization required)Not required.
Loa Restrictions: 240 MtsFresh water availability: AvailableLight dues apply: YES  
Beam Restrictions: 40 MtsGarbage discharge: Only by boatPort dues apply: YES  
Slop Discharge: Not allowedBunker availability: Not allowedWaterway dues apply: N/A    Berth Picture 

Working time:

The usual working time is from Monday to Friday from 0600 hs to 1800 hs and on Saturday from 0600 hs to 1200 hs. The remaining times are considered as overtime

Observations:                                                                                                                   Headclerk apply:  


*Arrangements have been made to use this berth for exporting vegetables oils from Terminal 6 S.A. And Cargill S.A.C.I.

*Chemicals discharge rate depend of vessel pump performance.

OPIP Address:Official figures to be applied:
Name:Mr. Gonzalo GuilliHipolito Yrigoyen y Mariano de la torreShore Scale
Phone Nr:03476 – 425006  